Q & A: Abbi Deni

Abbi in India 2006


A twitter-style interview with Abbi Deni, a second year studying Communication and Media BA (Hons) at Bournemouth University.    

I fire the questions, she answers in no more than 140 characters (just to spice it up a little!).    

Just like life, all questions are random but insightful, so here we go:    

Diving in at the deep end…    

Q: Do you believe in the afterlife or reincarnation?    

A: Seeing as I am a Christian, I believe in the afterlife and that there is a set heaven and hell when we die. Obviously reincarnation goes against Christianity because it suggests people are recycled, when in  fact they are all different and unique. My parents believe in it though, but they are Pagan.    

Q: If you could change one thing about your life what would it be?    

A: My teeth! (laughs). I would take better care of them…I eat far too many sweets. Experience wise I would change nothing though.    

Q: What has been your most rewarding travelling experience to date?    

A: India during Easter 2006. I had never been abroad before and it was nice to go somewhere hot! I volunteered with a charity for disabled children for two weeks. It was rewarding not only to help the disabled but to create a more positive attitude  towards them. In India disabled people are blamed for their disability because they are seen to deserve it for some kind of wrong doing. Many don’t talk or communicate with them; it was refreshing to try to break this barrier. The charity was also very welcoming and integrated me into their little community.    

Q: If you were a shape what would you be?    

A: A rhombus! It never gets picked by other people.    

Q: And now for the most important question…which sweet? Drumroll please.    

A: Popping candy! The ones that pop on your tounge.    

Q: Now for the more normal question. Why did you choose Bournemouth Uni?    

A: Well I actually chose Bournemouth on a whim. Before then I accepted Northampton and Birmingham to do pure English and Media courses but I reckoned they were too samey and I’d get bored easily. Bournemouth combined the two and it had a beach, it just clicked.    

Q: Finally, what is your biggest fear at the moment?    

A: Catching Norovirus from my housemate.